10K Daily Steps

10K Daily Steps

Use this capsule if you have been very sedentary. Walking im- proves the health of your heart, lungs, and bones, lowers blood pressure, and even boosts your mood.

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• Choose how you're going to measure your daily quota (app on your phone, smartwatch, activity tracker, etc.)
• Plan your routes (you need to walk about 7 km). Try Google Maps.

• Spend about 90 minutes on it.
• Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
• Ready to go? Walk 10,000 steps a day for at least 6 days.
• Is weight loss your goal? Check out the nutrition and exercise capsules.
• Walking 10,000 steps isn't your
thing? Try the Active 10 method (3 quick 10-minute walks a day.)

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