Rekindle the Flame

Rekindle the Flame

If your cardio class entertains you as much as your tax return, use this capsule and try out new trends.

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Search Google Maps for one of these new cardio modalities in your city and take at least two classes. Use your Calen- dar pages to shedule it all!


Numerous studies have confirmed that cardio promotes neurogenesis (the pro- duction of neurons) in the parts of the brain that control memory and thinking.


Try an intense cardio work- out that combines climb- ing moves with rotations on a vertical climber. It is ideal for burning fat in a short period of time and all parts of the body are involved.


If you like to spin, prepare to be amazed. Soulcycle combines stationary bikes with choreography, DJ's, a disco-like atmosphere, and instructors who are true masters of motiva- tion.


Born in New York City, it combines music, low lighting, sandbags, and light weights. If you want to work your body and unload your whole day's frustrations on a punching bag, this class is for you.

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