Turn the TV off

Turn the TV off

Reduce time spent in front of the TV and you will see an increase in productivity, creativity, and your ability to concentrate.

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• Postpone the time you invest in watching TV every day
• For 2 days, reduce that time by 30 minutes, then by 1 hour. Continue until you only spend 2 to 3 hours a week watching TV.
• Your goal is to watch only a few hours of television a week, and only what really interests you.
• Replace the time you save with an activity related to the 3 goals you se- lected in the warm-up (or get closer to the leisure capsules.)


Just like your body at the gym, your brain needs commitment and disci- pline. Try to be consistent and keep it up for at least 30 days. This way, you will train your brain to not need the TV, one day you won't even turn it on!

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