Write your User Manual

Write your User Manual

In this capsule, you will design a compass to guide your superhero in the right direction, away from danger and distractions.

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• Review your Yellow Brick Road of Dreams, roadmap, and any other cap- sule you completed from the Discovery phase.

• Choose a format for your manual (it can be a notebook or just a computer file).
• Write down everything you think is important to live your life to the fullest. Be aware of your blind spots and rela- tionships that block you.

• Start the day by reading your manual. This will allow you to stay focused, re- member your purpose, and have a clear path to follow.


Are you more of a peo- ple person than a paper person? Sign up for a session with an onto- logical coach and walk the path to your best version accompanied by a flesh and blood guide.

Let us put together a custom plan to ignite your super powers! Take the quiz now!


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